Sunday 12 August 2007


August a month to love or hate. Last Sunday was very hard to leave Brooklands as well as return. The top road right down to the mini roundabout was blocked with day trippers cars, they even parked by the Sunspot which is normally used as a passing point.
This Sunday I was out before they arrived and back long after they had gone. I had to go up to Wisbech. There are some places being built up there, bungalows in their own ground, much nicer than the cramped town houses that are being rushed up around Essex.

Talking of houses, it said in the paper that Llelwyn Davies Yeang were paid approx £140k for the consultation. I was under the impression that Eeda had employed the Environmental Trust who in turn contacted the former. But what do I know? What I do know this is the third or fourth consultation thats happened since I've been here. Nothing has changed apart from more and more places are being let and there are less owner occupiers.

Going through the village today, I saw that two shops had closed, firstly FX Barbers and next door the second hand furniture shop.

Sunday 1 July 2007


Well summers come and gone, no market at all this year, just one lone veggie stall with bootsellers. A shame really as it was very colourful on a Sunday. I must find time to get to the Tower soon it should be open weekends now. I was shown some pictures of cows that escaped so thanks to Carol put them up as an event. Well one can't get more eventful than that.

Sunday 29 April 2007


Where has it gone? I can't believe it's April or rather nearly May already. The sun has been shining all month. The holiday places have opened the what was a market now a bootsale place is full of stalls. Something else has happened. There is another place with the names of the roads just like Brooklands. I had a phone call yesterday from Mick who was there and already talking to people who live there. Anyway I shouldn't be sitting here in the middle of the day with the sunshing I should be out enjoying the best beach in Essex before it gets full of holidaymakers.